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Monday, September 17, 2012

iPhone 5: 15 most-wanted features


iPhone 5

Still waiting for an iPhone 5? So are we. Here's an updated look at some of the feature and design upgrades we'd most like to see, including the odds of their implementation.

First, an apology to those who've read this article before in its various iterations, you probably have a bad case of deja vu.

Truth be told, I originally published this column shortly after the iPhone 4 came out back in June 2010, which is why you see a lot of dated comments -- but they are fun to read.

Hopefully, this will be the last update, but you never know, considering how long this whole waiting-for-iPhone-5 saga has gone on.

As those of you who've read earlier versions of this column are aware, with the release of the iPhone 4S, Apple did include some features I was hoping would be in the iPhone 5, so the list is now shorter; it's been culled from 20 down to 15 features.

By popular demand, in this update I swapped in "Industry-standard micro-USB connector" and dropped "Removable battery," because, well, we know Apple we'll never do a removable battery. Also, since Apple has confirmed that FaceTime over cellular will be enabled with the release of iOS 6, I added that information to the text.

As a reminder, the 15 items in the list are ordered from least important to most in a reverse countdown. I've also included what I think are the odds of Apple actually implementing each request.

As always, feel free to agree or disagree with me and make your own suggestions (and to post your own ordered wish list).

Image: MacRumors commissioned this mock-up based on alleged iPhone 5 case schematics.(Credit:

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Unknown on September 18, 2012 at 1:12 AM said...

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