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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Top 5 Features in Mac OS X Mountain Lion: Why Upgrade

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If you love your iPad or iPhone, Apple's OS X 10.8 is a desktop OS that was made for you. Popularly known as "Mountain Lion," the latest system software builds on the features of 10.7 "Lion" while offering a computing experience closer to that of the mobile iOS. Mac owners downloaded Mountain Lion from the App Store 3 million times just in the first four days after its release on July 25, 2012. If you're on the fence about upgrading, understand that Mountain Lion will also sync better with your iDevices and share better with integrated options for social media. There are over 200 new features in this version of OS X, including a few you've probably been waiting for.

Monday, September 17, 2012

iOS 6: the new features

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In just two days Apple is bringing not just a brand new iPhone, but an updated platform it will work on, iOS 6, the newest version of its mobile operating system, and here is a breakdown of the main new features, all in an accessible slideshow where we take you one feature at a time.

The new iPhone is expected to launch on or around September 21st, and as we've seen before, Apple will probably try to have iOS 6 out a couple of days ahead of that date, so we're probably looking at a release right after the middle of September.

Tech News Daily


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